Comments Policy

O I Curioso Portal It has a comment system to encourage readers to clarify their doubts about the topics covered and also to create a more democratic environment for everyone to express themselves.

To participate in the I Curioso Portal It is necessary to follow the rules of conduct that we have created so that there is a good environment for everyone.

Commentators are prohibited

  • Send spam and comments of an advertising nature;
  • Impersonate another person, company or institution;
  • Publish pornographic, racist, discriminatory or offensive material of any nature against people, companies or institutions;
  • Publish material that encourages pedophilia and/or the exploitation of minors;
  • Publish information about illegal activities and incite crimes;
  • Publish several comments in a row with the aim of being on the list of most frequent commentators;
  • Post comments with affiliate program links;
  • Post comments that do not relate to the subject portrayed in the article or content viewed (off topic);
  • Publish comments devoid of arguments, with the sole aim of engaging in a discussion distorted by doubt or intellectual purposes;
  • Use the comment system to engage in commercial activities;
  • Engage in any activity prohibited by law;
  • Engage in religious preaching;
  • Reproduce full news published in other media.

The Commentator is Allowed

  • Ask your questions about the content covered;
  • Express your opinion, as long as it does not conflict with the list of unacceptable factors mentioned above;
  • Contribute to the growth of the website.