Food assistance: find out how to make the most of this benefit


The food assistance benefit is an advantage offered by companies to help employees cover food expenses. In 2024, this resource will continue to be extremely relevant for workers in Brazil, supplementing their income and ensuring adequate nutrition in a still challenging economic scenario.

For workers, this help It is a significant support. It allows you to plan your meals without compromising your family budget. The importance of this benefit goes beyond the financial aspect, directly influencing the quality of life and well-being of employees.

Knowing how to use food assistance is important to take advantage of all its benefits. Continue reading to learn the rules and how it can make a big difference in your daily life. 

What is food assistance?

Food assistance: find out how to make the most of this benefit - Source: Reproduction
Food assistance: find out how to make the most of this benefit – Source: Reproduction

Food assistance is a benefit offered by companies to help with their employees' food expenses, and is usually provided through cards or vouchers. This allows employees to purchase food in supermarkets, grocery stores and other similar places, helping them maintain a more balanced diet.

Unlike meal vouchers, which are mainly used in restaurants and snack bars, food assistance has a more varied use, that is, with the meal voucher you can pay for your lunch during work hours, while the food assistance allows you to buy food to prepare at home.

It is worth remembering that the term “food voucher” can be used more generically and include both food assistance and meal vouchers. Understanding these differences is important to know how to use each benefit in the best way, taking advantage of all the features available.

Differences between meal vouchers and food assistance


To the main differences The differences between food vouchers and food assistance lie in the use and characteristics of each. Food assistance is a benefit that allows the purchase of food in supermarkets, helping with family nutrition.

The meal voucher, on the other hand, is more focused on meals during working hours, that is, with it, you can pay for your meals in restaurants and cafes, hence the importance of knowing when and how to use it properly. 

Knowing the characteristics of each benefit helps you organize your expenses better and, therefore, use resources more efficiently. While food vouchers are ideal for supermarket purchases, food assistance is perfect for ready-made meals.

Current legislation on food assistance

The food assistance benefit is regulated by the Worker Food Program (PAT), established by Law No. 6,321 of April 14, 1976 and regulated by Decree No. 5 of January 14, 1991. 

This law ensures that companies can offer the benefit without incurring social security contributions, encouraging companies to adopt this practice in Brazil. It is worth remembering that participation in the PAT is voluntary, but companies that join the program enjoy tax benefits, making membership financially attractive.

Impacts of legislative changes for workers and companies

The changes in legislation have had significant impacts on workers and companies. For workers, these changes ensure greater security and transparency in receiving food assistance, facilitating control and the correct use of the amounts received.

For companies, the new rules of Provisional Measure 1,108 offer more clarity on how to grant the food assistance benefit, which can reduce administrative costs, also avoiding legal problems. 

Companies also take advantage of tax incentives, which make the benefit more attractive to adopt. Check out the table below comparing the rules before and after Provisional Measure 1,108:

AspectBefore MP 1.108After MP 1.108 
Expense ControlLess strictMore transparent
Flexibility of UseLimitedExpanded
Tax IncentivesExistingReinforced

These changes in legislation bring benefits to both workers and companies, promoting a fairer and more efficient environment.

How to apply for and use food assistance?

Food assistance: find out how to make the most of this benefit - Source: Reproduction
Food assistance: find out how to make the most of this benefit – Source: Reproduction

To apply for food assistance, you need to follow a few simple steps. Many companies use digital platforms to make the process easier, so here is a practical guide to help you get the benefit without complications.

  1. Access the digital platform: see if your company uses an online system to apply for benefits.
  2. Login: use your username and password to enter the system.
  3. Select benefit: no menu, look for the option to request food assistance.
  4. Fill in the data: put the necessary information, such as your personal and banking details.
  5. Confirm request: review the information you entered and confirm the order.
  6. Follow the approval: stay keeping an eye on notifications about benefit approval.

Correct use of food aid

With food assistance, you can shop at supermarkets, grocery stores and other places that sell food, ensuring a balanced diet.

Pay attention to the rules of use of the company that provides the benefit, as each platform may have different accredited establishments.

Use the aid wisely so that the amount lasts the entire month, planning your purchases according to your family's needs.

Benefits of food assistance for companies

The granting of a food allowance benefit can be seen as a competitive advantage for companies that offer advantages like this and, therefore, are able to attract and retain talent, maintaining a qualified and committed workforce. In this way, the company's image in the market is considerably strengthened.

Offering food assistance brings with it several advantages for companies, one of which is improved employee satisfaction and increased productivity, which can result in better overall team performance, directly contributing to the company's results.


As we have seen, food assistance is intended for workers to cover food expenses. Adherence to the benefit is not mandatory, but when companies offer this benefit, they increase employee satisfaction, creating a healthier and more efficient work environment. 

It is worth remembering that any employer can receive payment of food assistance, as long as it is not paid in cash, and this portion will not be considered as salary for legal purposes. 

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Bruna Medeiros

Passionate about creating impactful communication texts, senior writer for the Eu Curioso portal.