Gas Voucher Aid: what is it and how does it work?


With the increase in cooking gas prices, many Brazilian families are struggling to keep this essential cost within their household budget. Given this, the Auxílio Vale Gás (Gas Voucher Aid) has emerged, a government initiative intended for the purchase of cooking gas for low-income families.

The initiative promotes greater stability within homes, facilitates access to cooking gas, and also contributes to quality of life, preventing families from having to choose between cooking or buying other essential items.

If you want to know how to benefit from this resource, keep reading! We will detail who is eligible for the aid, how you can apply and what you can do to keep the benefit active. 

What is Gas Aid?


Established by Law No. 14,237 of November 19, 2021, Auxílio Gás is a Federal Government program created to alleviate the cost of cooking gas in the budget of families that are duly registered in the Single Registry for Social Programs (CadÚnico).

Initially, the benefit covered only 50% of the total cost of the cooking gas cylinder. However, since January 2023, with the implementation of Provisional Measure 1,155/2023, the program began to pay, every two months, the amount integral of the gas cylinder, calculated by the National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP). 

Who can receive the Gas Voucher?

To be eligible for Gas Aid, candidates must meet the following criteria established by the Federal Government:

  • Be registered with CadÚnico and have your data duly updated;
  • Have a monthly per capita family income equal to or less than half the minimum wage;
  • Priority is given to families that are in a situation of greater social vulnerability, such as families with lower incomes within the CadÚnico criteria and families headed by women.

It is worth noting that families who are already beneficiaries of other social programs, such as Bolsa Família (currently Auxílio Brasil), may have priority or easier conditions to receive Auxílio Gás.

How to receive the Gas Voucher?

The amount of the Gas Aid will be released into the digital or bank account. If the family does not have access to one of these account options, a digital social savings account will be automatically opened, when possible.

To receive it, you must have an active registration with CadÚnico, but if you do not have one, just go to the Social Assistance Reference Center (CRAS) closest to your home and request registration.

The beneficiary selection process is automatic, based on information provided to CadÚnico. The government uses this data to identify families that meet the eligibility criteria.

How to sign up to receive the Gas Voucher?

Gas Voucher Aid - Source: Reproduction
Vale Gas Aid – Source: Reproduction

The first step to benefiting from the program is to meet all eligibility criteria. Once this is done, you will start receiving cash assistance every 2 months. The benefits will be paid into a digital or bank account.

If the family does not have access to one of these account options, a digital social savings account will be automatically opened, when possible. The validity of the benefit installment of the Gas Aid Program is 120 days, counting from the date on which the benefit is made available in the payment option.

How do I know if I will receive Gas Aid??

Keep an eye out to see if you are on the list of those who will receive the Vale Gás Aid. important. This way, you ensure that the benefit does not go unnoticed. To check your eligibility, there are some simple and quick ways.

You can check if you are eligible for Vale Gás and if your name is on the list of beneficiaries. In addition to being very practical, these methods are also very safe.

  • Use the Bolsa Família or Caixa Tem app to check the information.
  • Visit the website of Federal Savings Bank and enter your details, such as CPF and social identification number (NIS).
  • Access the Ministry of Citizenship website and click on “Consult Benefit”, or, if you prefer, call 11 to clarify any doubts.

If you meet the low-income criteria and your family is in a situation of social vulnerability, these channels will confirm whether you can count on this support from the federal government. It is important to always have your single registry up to date so that the information is correct at the time of consultation.

Frequently asked questions about Gas Voucher Assistance

How is the value of the Gas Voucher Aid calculated?

The amount is based on the national average price of a 13 kg gas cylinder, according to data from the National Petroleum Agency (ANP). The program ensures that beneficiaries receive the full amount of this calculation every two months.

Can the Gas Voucher Aid be combined with other benefits?

Yes. If you already receive other benefits, such as Bolsa Família, now part of the Auxílio Brasil program, you do not lose the right to receive Auxílio Vale Gás. This helps to strengthen the budget of families in vulnerable situations.

How does the government know who needs to receive the Gas Voucher Aid?

The government uses information from the Single Registry to identify low-income families with per capita income less than or equal to half the minimum wage. Families registered with the Single Registry that meet these criteria are eligible for the benefit.

What do I do if I move or something changes in my household income?

If there is any change in your family composition or income, you must update your data in CadÚnico. This is essential to maintain or gain access to Auxílio Vale Gás and other social programs.

How can I register with CadÚnico to apply for the Vale Gás Aid?

To register, go to a CRAS (Social Assistance Reference Center) in your city and bring your documents and those of all the people living in your home. The team will guide you on how to fill out and keep your registration up to date.

When and how will I receive the Gas Voucher Aid if I am entitled?

The aid is deposited directly into the Digital Social Savings Account, and the payment schedule follows that of the Bolsa Família program. You can withdraw the amount with the social card or through your digital or bank account, following the instructions in the Caixa Tem or Caixa Econômica Federal app.


At a time when the cost of living is increasingly high, the financial relief provided by Auxílio Gás is crucial in families' daily lives. Remember that keeping your information updated in CadÚnico, understanding the eligibility criteria and being aware of the payment schedule is essential to access this benefit.

We hope this information has been useful and that it helps you better understand the positive impact of this benefit on the lives of Brazilians. Manage this part of your budget carefully and ensure your right to this important support offered by the federal government.

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Bruna Medeiros

Passionate about creating impactful communication texts, senior writer for the Eu Curioso portal.