Energy Saving Apps


Have you noticed that electricity bills are getting more and more expensive? Given this, save energy has become essential. Fortunately, with advances in technology, there are now energy-saving apps that help you monitor and better manage your electricity consumption.

With these apps, it’s now easier to understand how energy is consumed in your home. And the best part: you can start using them today on your cell phone and see the differences at the end of the month.

Now that you have an idea of how these apps can make your life easier, how about learning more about the subject? Continue reading and find out all the benefits and how these tools can be your allies in your daily life.

Importance of saving electricity

Energy Saving Apps - Source: Unsplash
Energy Saving Apps – Source: Unsplash

Saving electricity, in addition to bringing great benefits to your pocket, also brings benefits to the environment. Reducing electricity consumption means emitting fewer pollutants into the atmosphere, since much of the electricity still comes from non-renewable sources. 

Monitoring your home’s energy usage can be a great way to find opportunities to save money. Have you ever stopped to think that an electric shower that’s been on for longer than necessary or old appliances could be the reason for a higher energy bill?

With the help of apps to control electricity consumption, it becomes easier to identify these points and plan changes that will ease your budget.

Applications that help save electricity


Apps that help you save electricity can be great allies. They offer a practical way to have more control over your consumption, and can even identify habits that increase the value of your bill.

Aneel Consumer

Aneel Consumidor is an application developed to report problems and clarify doubts about electricity bills. It promotes the conscious use of energy and improves the relationship between consumers and electricity providers.

A useful function of Aneel Consumidor is the consumption calculator, which helps users to know how much energy their electrical appliances are consuming, promoting greater awareness about energy use and enabling the adoption of more efficient and economical practices. 

App link on Google Play Store
App link in the Apple Store


Developed for companies, Energizou stands out for promoting detailed management of electricity consumption. One of its main features is the consumption calculator, which allows users to estimate the energy usage of their equipment and suggests alternatives for saving energy.

These resources are designed to raise awareness and encourage behavior changes that contribute to a more sustainable future, where energy is used consciously and responsibly.

Link to Energizou website 

How can apps lead to cost reduction?

Energy Saving Apps - Source: Unsplash
Energy Saving Apps – Source: Unsplash

Nowadays, controlling your electricity costs is more than a smart choice; it’s a necessity. And the apps that help you do this saving electricity comes into play as tools that can help a lot in this process. 

With the ability to monitor, calculate and provide detailed data, these tools are essential for financial planning and show you where to start saving.

A practical example is the Energizou APP, which helps companies in particular. By identifying the main points of consumption, it enables targeted action to reduce expenses. 

Knowing how much energy each appliance consumes helps you choose when and how to use it, always thinking about saving money. And of course, with this information at your disposal, it becomes easier to take measures that benefit your pocket.

Additional tips for saving electricity

While apps are great tools for saving energy, there are simple steps you can take on a daily basis to further reduce your electricity bill. Here are a few tips that can make a difference:

  • Replace old bulbs with LED;
  • Unplug appliances when not in use;
  • Set the shower to a warm temperature;
  • Keep an eye on older appliances, as they are more likely to waste electricity.

Combining these guidelines with tools that offer consumption calculators and other features only strengthens your ability to identify where you can save even more.


Energy saving apps can be very effective for both those who want to control their spending at home and for businesses. With these tools, you can have a clear view of how electricity is used and where you can save money.

Choose the apps according to your specific needs, implement the saving tips in your daily life and see how small changes can make a big difference in your pocket and the environment. 

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Bruna Medeiros

Passionate about creating impactful communication texts, senior writer for the Eu Curioso portal.