Seeing inside the wall with your cell phone: revolutionary technology at your fingertips


Have you ever imagined being able to see inside a wall with your cell phone? This technology, which seems like something out of a science fiction movie, is already a reality. With a simple device, you can see what is hidden behind walls, such as pipes and electrical wiring.

This innovation is possible thanks to advanced sensors that create an image of the inside of the wall, which can be a great help in renovations and repairs, avoiding unexpected setbacks. 

Want to better understand how this technology works? Keep reading to find out how this device can simplify your life. We’ll explore how it works, how to install it, how to use it, and the various practical applications of this technology. 

Meet the device behind this technology

Seeing inside the wall with your cell phone: revolutionary technology at your fingertips - Source: Reproduction
Seeing inside the wall with your cell phone: revolutionary technology at your fingertips – Source: Reproduction

O WalabotDIY is a device that uses 3D sensor and, integrated with your smartphone, it allows you to see inside the wall with your cell phone. Its sensor emits waves that penetrate the wall and return with data about what is inside. 

Compared to other technologies such as ultrasound, WalabotDIY's 3D sensor offers greater accuracy. It is able to detect objects more clearly, making it ideal for those who need accurate information. 

The main benefit of this technology is the ability to visualize what is hidden, avoiding many problems during renovations and repairs. After all, knowing the location of pipes and wiring before drilling the wall can save time and money.

Compatibility and installation


WalabotDIY is only compatible with Android smartphones, meaning that if you have an iPhone, you unfortunately won't be able to use that device. But for Android users, the installation is quite simple and quick.

To get started, you need to download WalabotDIY from the Play Store. After installation, simply connect the device to your smartphone, and the app will guide you through the steps required to set everything up correctly. In a matter of minutes, you’ll be ready to use.

App link on Google Play Store

Check if your smartphone meets the technical requirements, such as a device with good processing capacity to function properly. Check the specifications before downloading the application to avoid setbacks.

WalabotDIY User Guide to See Inside the Wall with Your Cell Phone

After installing the app and connecting the device to your phone, it will calibrate the sensor and get everything ready so you can start visualizing the inside of the wall.

When using WalabotDIY, slide the device slowly across the wall surface, and the app will display a real time image than what is behind it. For best results, keep the sensor in constant contact with the wall and move it slowly.

Some tips to optimize effectiveness: avoid areas with a lot of interference and make sure the wall is dry, as this helps the sensor capture information more accurately. With practice, of course, you will get increasingly accurate results.

Practical applications of WalabotDIY

Seeing inside the wall with your cell phone: revolutionary technology at your fingertips - Source: Reproduction
Seeing inside the wall with your cell phone: revolutionary technology at your fingertips – Source: Reproduction

WalabotDIY is extremely useful in home repairs, and can, for example, help locate electrical wiring before drilling into the wall, preventing accidents and damage to the electrical network.

Another practical application is in leak prevention. With it, you can identify water pipes inside the wall, which is particularly useful in renovations, where it is important to know the location of the pipes to avoid accidental drilling.

In short, this device greatly simplifies the lives of those carrying out home repairs by allowing them to view the inside of the wall.

Limitations and precautions

Despite its benefits, WalabotDIY has some limitations. The penetration depth of the sensor is limited, which means it may not detect very deep objects. 

To get the best results, follow some tips responsible use and avoid using the device in areas with a lot of interference, such as near electronic devices.

Have realistic expectations about what WalabotDIY can do, as it is a useful tool, but it is not infallible. Use it as a complement to your work, and not as the only source of information; this way, you will avoid frustration and obtain better results.


As we have seen, WalabotDIY's technology allows you to see through walls using your cell phone, bringing incredible innovation to renovations and repairs. With an advanced 3D sensor, it is possible to detect wiring and pipes, avoiding problems and accidents.

For common users and construction professionals, it is certainly a great ally to facilitate work, making it safer and more efficient. 

This innovation has the potential to transform both small and large renovations. With WalabotDIY, you can avoid unpleasant surprises and ensure a job well done!

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Bruna Medeiros

Passionate about creating impactful communication texts, senior writer for the Eu Curioso portal.