How to check the Score – check the step by step


Knowing how to check your score is the first step to manage your finances well. Your credit score Shows stores, banks and companies whether you usually pay your bills on time. Having this information helps you plan your bills better and even get loans with lower interest rates.

Checking your score is a way to take care of your financial health. You can do it for free and even on your cell phone. By keeping your CPF monitored, you protect yourself from possible fraud and keep your information always up to date.

Continue reading to learn in detail how you can check your credit score quickly and easily. Discover practical tools and tips that can help you better understand your credit score and, consequently, plan a more secure financial future.

Why do companies perform CPF queries?

How to check your Score - Source: Reproduction
How to check your Score – Source: Reproduction

Understanding why companies look at your CPF is simple. This check is important so that they can assess whether it is safe to offer you credit. By checking your CPF, companies can find out whether you have a good payment history or if there are any outstanding debts that could pose a risk to them.

  • One of the main reasons for the consultation is fraud prevention. The company wants to ensure that you are really who you say you are and that there is no misuse of your CPF;
  • Another point is the assessment of your behavior as a consumer. Your credit score shows the company whether you have the habit of paying your bills on time;
  • Finally, monitor financial health is also a reason. Checking your CPF can indicate whether it is feasible to grant you credit without there being a high risk of default.

By knowing that companies use this information to make their decisions, you can better understand the importance of maintaining a good score and always seeking to improve your credit score. This will make a difference when it comes to obtaining credit to make your dreams and projects come true.

How to check your CPF for free?

Serasa Experian

THE Serasa Experian is one of the places where you can check your CPF for free. It is easy to use: you create a registration on the company's website or app, fill in your details and that's it, you can check your score whenever you think necessary. The consultation service is all done online and no cost.

Right deal


O Right Deal is another excellent option to check the status of your CPF and even negotiate or pay off your debts. After registering, you already have access to information about any financial issues and can better plan your actions to increase your score.

This app helps you check your CPF for free and also gives you alternatives to clear your name. Through it, you have the chance to make agreements directly through the platform, without bureaucracy, which is very useful if you are looking to improve your credit score.

How important is it to monitor your CPF?

Keeping track of your CPF is more than a careful step, is necessary for your financial security. Did you know that checking regularly can help identify possible fraud in your name? If strangers try to use your data, you can act quickly and avoid major headaches.

When you check your CPF, you have access to several pieces of information in addition to your score. You can see if there are any outstanding debts in your name, who has recently checked your CPF, and what your current credit score is. This information is essential for understanding and planning your next financial steps clearly.

Taking care of this score and keeping it up to date puts you in a better position to negotiate lower interest rates and obtain credit more easily. Remember: good financial behavior reflects positively on this score. 

How do I check my CPF with the Federal Revenue Service?

How to check your Score - Source: Reproduction
How to check your Score – Source: Reproduction

For those who want to check the CPF registration status, the website Federal Revenue It is an essential tool. Checking that everything is correct with your registration helps a lot in your financial life, because financial institutions look at this data when granting credit. 

See how to consult:

  1. Access the Federal Revenue website in the “CPF” query section;
  2. Fill out the form with your CPF number and date of birth;
  3. Enter the security characters that will appear on the screen;
  4. Click on “consult” and see information about your CPF registration status.

By carrying out this procedure, you have access to a receipt that shows the your situation with the Federal Revenue Service. This does not show your credit score, but it ensures that your credit status is correct so that you do not have problems when applying for a credit card, loan or financing.

This check helps you avoid surprises. An irregular CPF can reduce your chances of getting credit and negatively impact your financial behavior with companies. It is worth remembering that keeping your registration data up to date is a good step towards a more peaceful financial life.

Common questions about CPF consultation

When it comes to checking your score and CPF status, several questions may arise. Here are the answers to some of the most common questions, which will help you better understand how This important process works for your financial life.

Can I check my score for free?

Yes, you can check your credit score for free on websites such as Serasa Experian, SPC Brasil and SCPC Boa Vista. Simply create a registration with your personal details and, in just a few clicks, you will have access to your score and credit history.

How often should I check my CPF?

Checking your CPF regularly is a good practice. There is no limit to how many times you can check your CPF, so you can do it whenever you feel the need. Monitoring your score frequently helps you understand how your actions impact your score and allows you to make decisions to improve it.

Do debts older than 5 years still appear in the query?

No. Debts that are more than 5 years old should no longer appear in your CPF search, as the law determines that they are excluded from default records after this period. However, getting rid of the debt is important, as the creditor can still seek legal means to collect the amount owed.

Is it possible to check CPF by name?

For individual consumers, checking CPF by name is not an available option. This type of search can only be done by companies that have access to specific systems and legal authorization to do so. It is important to protect your data and only provide your CPF for searches.

Does the information from the Positive Registry appear in the score query?

Yes, Cadastro Positivo is an initiative that collects information about consumer payment behavior, such as bills paid on time. This data is considered when calculating your score and can help increase your credit score.

Is my score information shared with other institutions?

Credit score information is shared with financial institutions and companies that consult your CPF to assess the risk of default. Your consent is required to share your registration data, but credit score information can be accessed by companies.

Resolving these questions is another step towards ensuring you are always alert and informed about your CPF and credit score. This puts you in a better position when searching for credit options and making financial decisions. Stay up to date and take good care of your score!


Monitoring your score frequently not only helps you keep your financial health up to date, but also opens doors to more advantageous credit opportunities. By taking good care of your score, you put yourself in a better position to negotiate loans and financing, always with the possibility of more favorable conditions.

It is worth remembering that your credit score is a reflection of your good financial habits. In addition, being well informed about how your score is calculated and what you can do to improve it are essential steps towards a safer and more stable financial future.

We hope all of these tips have been helpful and remember, taking care of your score means taking care of your financial future. Make this a regular habit and see the benefits that a good score can bring to your life.

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Bruna Medeiros

Passionate about creating impactful communication texts, senior writer for the Eu Curioso portal.